Eyeless jackass

This is my first Trollpasta, so don't expect this to be good.


I am a HUGE fan of the show on MTV called jackass. My favorite character was alwas Weeman. The show featured a bunch of guys just doing crazy shit on TV. I no longer watch Jackass because of one reason.

The Reason Why I No longer Watch Jackass

Anybody know who eyeless jack is? I was watching jackass one night when the TV went of  and so did all the power in my apartment. Then a small looking version of Eyeless Jack jumped out from behind my couch and said "Hi, I'm Weeman and welcome to Jackass!"
He then jumped out my apartment window, falling towards the ground. I watched in fear. Then, he hit a dumpster, and I looked shocked and horrified as I saw blood on the ground! I have never been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scared in my life!